How to get to Residencial Lar do Areeiro Lisbon, Portugal
From the airport
•At the airport check for the “Carris” buses interface, you should take bus nr. 705 heading Areeiro and get out at stop “Areeiro – Av. Gago Coutinho) It takes around 15 minutes. The Residencial Lar do Areeiro is around 100 meters from the bus stop.
•You can also take the subway, exit at station Areeiro As an option you can find also taxis at the airport.
•If your flight arrives between 8:00pm and 06:00am please check with our front desk team what is the best transportation solution available.
Arriving at Lisbon by Train (Interrail)
If you will arrive at Lisbon by train you will have two similar itineraries with direct connection to the subway network:
•Orient Station – with connection to the subway red line, you will have to change line at Alameda Station to the green line, exit at Areeiro (around 17 minutes)
•Sta Apolonia Station - with connection to the subway blue line, you will have to change line at Baixa-Chiado Station to the green line, exit at Areeiro (around 18 minutes)
By car
If you prefer to arrive at Residencial Lar do Areeiro on your own car, we have at your entire disposal a public parking facility near the Hotel (200mts).
PR. Dr Francisco Sa Carneiro, 4 10000 Lisbon Portugal
Bookings:351 21 849 31 50
Cancellations351 21 849 31 50
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